Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Good, the Bad, and......

we went out to the range on Thursday to get some practice in. A few boxes of ammo and a few mags and something to put holes in. Yes, it’s a father son thing we have been doing for over thirteen years and I will say that boy is good with his guns. Super safe, which was the first thing I pounded into his head.
He like to do some drills to smooth his draw and aim technique and I just stand and watch. Then we check the sights and tweak those if needed then start outshooting each other. He knows I can beat him at long range because he is so slightly near sighted. Not enough to need glasses but enough to blur things a bit at 200 yards.

Now some will flinch at the thought of someone shooting a gun for fun but that is a big part of it. The rest of the story is being tuned up enough to face what happened last week if it ever raises it’s ugly head nearby...yes, good guys with guns can stop bad guys if they are ready....


  1. ".yes, good guys with guns can stop bad guys if they are ready"

    Exactly!! Sounds like a great time with your son. As my little granddaughter likes to say "Be Prepared!!!" I have no doubt you would react exactly the way you would need to in any situation.

    Have a great weekend. ♥

  2. my dad and I use to do this too, I was amazed at his accuracy... I miss those days...
    with the recent shootings, there is so much bad press about the use of guns, it's a never ending debate, which just goes in circles.
